A few components in the dashboard have report functionality, they are.

  1. Fault Reports
  2. Feedback
  3. Meeting Rooms
  4. Total Occupancy (check acme)
  5. Energy (check acme)
  6. Asset Management
  7. Visitor Management

Fault Reports

‘Fault Reports’ detailed view page can be accessed by clicking on the ‘Detailed View’ in the kebab menu of the card in the dashboard.

The ‘Fault Reports’ can be accessed from both the Main menu and Sub-menu as well (marked in green). After entering the detailed view, the following contents will be displayed:

The screen shows the faults along with their summary of Open, In-progress, Reported this month, Closed this month, and Average resolution time for an issue at the beginning of the screen. There is also a detailed view of the Open, In-progress, and Closed reports. An option to download the report. Also, there is a graph available showing the faults reported by the floor.

Individual issues can be viewed by clicking on the ‘View’ button. This will open a pop-up and display the relevant information.

Whoever is going to resolve it has to click the ‘Accept’ button and resolve the issue. OR the issue can be accepted by clicking on the ‘Accept’ button which is next to the ‘View’ button on the detailed page.

After logging on to the dashboard click on the kebab menu (three vertical dots on the right-hand top corner of the card) of the ‘Feedback’ card and then click on ‘Detailed View’  to get into the detailed view.

The ‘Feedback’ (marked in green) can be accessed from the Main menu as well. After entering the detailed view, the following contents will be displayed:

The screen shows the Statistics of Overall Ratings and the Lowest Rating at the beginning of the screen. It has search functionality that helps in searching using parameters of individuals or usernames or email. Another method of searching is through a drop-down menu using parameters of All Areas (Meeting room, Reception, Washroom, etc.) All Ratings (1 to 5 stars) All Status (New, Responded, Not Responded). Also, you can generate a report.

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