The dashboard’s Air Quality Index (AQI) components consist of a few parameters.

  1. Temperature
  2. Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
  3. Humidity
  4. Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOC)
  5. Air Pressure
  6. Illuminance
  7. Radon

The ‘AQI’ detailed view page can be accessed by clicking on the ‘Detailed View’ in the kebab menu of the card in the dashboard.

The ‘AQI’ can be accessed from the Sub-menu as well (marked in green). After entering the detailed view, the following contents will be displayed:

The detailed view page has ‘Overview’ and ‘Floor View’ tabs. The ‘Overview’ tab displays the information of the different areas of a particular floor. Select a particular floor from the dropdown for specific floor information. To see more details of a certain floor, click the detailed view icon (located on the right side top corner). Also, you can download the report of that particular floor.

Detailed information screenshots are given below

The x-axis represents the time of the day.
The y-axis represents the day of the month and temperature.

Part 2

The x-axis represents the time of the day.
The y-axis represents the day of the month and CO2 concentration.

The x-axis represents the time of the day.
The y-axis represents the day of the month and Percentage of Humidity.

The x-axis represents the time of the day.
The y-axis represents the day of the month and TVOC concentration.

Part 3

Air Pressure
The x-axis represents the time of the day.
The y-axis represents the day of the month and Air Pressure.

The x-axis represents the time of the day.
The y-axis represents the day of the month and Radon concentration.

The x-axis represents the time of the day.
The y-axis represents the day of the month and illuminance.

The ‘Floor View’ tab displays the values on a floorplan. Value (marked in green), The Concentration of a particular value on a particular area on the floorplan (marked in red) is shown below.

Click on the individual value to see that particular value’s concentration on the floorplan.

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